B&W developing class taught by @Rana_thefrog, Jack from Melbourne!

B&W developing class taught by @Rana_thefrog, Jack from Melbourne!

Come and join us for FilmNeverDie Asia's very own Black & White developing class taught by special guest from Melbourne, Australia: Jack!


Black & White film processing is a great way to get your hands dirty & learn how chemistry works to make an image on film. In this memorable workshop, we’ll go on a photowalk to shoot a roll & come back to the lab to develop it together. Improve your photography skills, meet new people & become a film chemist!

Classes comprise of 4 people & everything is supplied from film to a camera (if you don’t already have one).

Don’t miss this experience.

Fun guaranteed!

Date: 20th May 2023

Time: 11-5pm

Register here: